Tuesday, October 9, 2012

WIP Wednesday

60" x 78"

Can't believe that I havent posted on my blog for over two weeks!  I haven't accomplished very much in those two week except a lot of relaxing!   I did  finish adding the borders on a string quilt that I made quite a while ago.  I plan on machine quilting this one.  Here is the link to the my post from a few years ago if you would like to read the story of this quilt top 


I am making 20 of these folded Christmas napkins for gifts.  I have them all cut out and ready to assemble.


I tried a pincushion pattern that required no machine sewing, just a bit of handsewing to anchor the pincushion to the lotus flower shape.   It is an origami folding technique.  It turned out great and I will be making a few more for gifts.
This is a tea cozy that my Knitty Sister made a few days ago.  I am hoping she will be making me one too!

I am linking up with The Needle and Thread Network and hope you will stop by and see what everyone is working on.



  1. I was wondering what you were up to! Your quilt is beautiful. Love your Christmas napkins...you have been busy. Your new banner block is gorgeous!

  2. THERE you are!! You deserved some relaxation, but looks to me like you've kept pretty busy!! The napkins are adorable, and that pincushion is so sweet! Very clever. Great choice for a new header, so bring and fall-ish! ~karen

  3. Great projects. Is there a link to the napkin pattern? I love your blog header - very pretty.

  4. I also like your new banner Linda,you have been very busy ,great to see all your pretty work. I love the little napkins , made those a few years back and the pincushion is sweet :-)

  5. what cute projects Linda!! I've been a bit the same lately. Too much going on....no time for all of it!!

  6. Great projects, and even better if you managed to relax a bit!

  7. The folded christmas napkin: a great idea!


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