Wednesday, August 8, 2012

More finishes!

I sewed like a crazy person on this past long weekend.  I was able to finish two projects.  the first one I worked on was my Great-Granny squares little quilt.  It measures 42" square.  My plan was to do spirals all over in free motion but I changed my mind and went with  wavy lines.
This is the stitch I used.  Love it!
  I used a hera marker to mark my lines.  That worked great.  I wish I would have tried that on other quilts.   I have had the tool for many years but never used it.  Another first for me was that I used Aurifil 50wt thread along with my new Superior Titanium needle 80/12.  I must say, I was so pleased with the result. My machine loved the combination and even sounded better than usual.  Perfection!  Got it quilted in no time.    I sewed side to side and then top to bottom so I didnt have any ends to sew in...that was a major plus for me.  It is so soft and cuddly after washing.  I love it so much.   I also made a storage bag to match, from the leftover scraps.  I am going to see about putting it up for sale at a gift shop...more on that another time. 

back view

"My Dotty Great-Grannie" (named because I used polka dot fabric in each block as well as for backing and binding). 

The quilt inside its storage sack

I also finished the lobster quilt for my Dad.  I used the same thread and needle, and again, it quilted up like a dream.It measures 44" x 54"   I will probably give it to him next weekend so I will have to get a pic of him with his new quilt. 
"Lobster Anyone"

Backing used is two of my favourite Maywood fabrics called "No Girls Allowed"  full of bubbles.  the strip down the centre is leftover 2 1/2 inch strips.

zoom in to see the quilting better

My next project will be the quilt for my son, Alexander.  I started cutting out the strips today.   I wanted to try a pattern called "Tumbling Cubes"  from the book, Modern Basics,  by Amy Ellis.  I am using the same colour scheme.  A minimalist pattern, kind of like my son.

I am linking up with The Needle and Thread Network so stop by and see what everyone is working on or has completed.  Lots of inspiration.


  1. You did sew a lot this weekend! The granny is awesome, love the colors and the quilting. Do you think it will be in Swoon? I'm sure you Dad will love the lobster quilt, can't be from the Maritimes and not enjoy some yummy shellfish!

  2. that wavy design is great! I will have to keep it in mind for one of my projects! (though I would have to do it free style)

  3. Both quilts look great, but I do love those granny squares! :0)

  4. What a great weekend you had. I suffered with a pressure headache for 2 days.
    I love the tumbling cubes and have fabric put aside for one in the same colours too. Using up the stash and going through the book was my initial idea.
    The great granny squares turned out to be a fairly quick quilt for you. Nice idea to make a matching bag.

  5. You had a very productive weekend ,I love both quilts and your Dad will be extra pleased .I like the stitch you used for quilting , great idea.

  6. Very productive weekend:) Both quilts are fabulous but I think I like the lobster one best.

  7. Very productive long weekend indeed! Love the idea for a storage bag for the quilt.

  8. Your quilts are beautiful! The granny square quilt is perfect!
    Your Dad will love his and I'm sure your son will, too!

  9. Everything looks great!! That's a fancy, dancy machine you have pictured there!

  10. What great quilts you finished up! You must be so happy...the machines quilting looks fantastic, and I have to admit that is the first time I have seen a lobster quilt...great idea! Well done all around!

  11. I love those granny squares. That pattern is definitely on my to do list for sometime in the near future, when my other commitments are through.

  12. Wow, all those finishes are amazing. It was too hot here to do anything more than visit the beach.
    I love the minimalist quilt too.

  13. It is good to get so much done. The wavy lines looks good on your quilts.

  14. Lovely work. You HAVE had a busy time!

  15. you have been busy - they all look great! I had my hera marker for years (never even taken out of the package) before I re-discovered it - I love it for marking quilts.

  16. Nice. And can you send that lobster quilt my way instead? I love lobsters and it would be so perfect here. LOL


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